US Advisors
Does your client have a UK pension? Think of us as an extension of your team.
How We’ve Helped Other US Advisors
Due to the nature of our work, we often partner with our clients’ US advisors when advising on UK pensions. Our case studies highlight just some of the ways we have helped our clients make sense of their UK pensions.
Talk to an Advisor
If you would like to discuss your client’s UK pension(s) to learn what options might be available before and during retirement, contact one of our Florin Pensions advisors for an initial consultation.
We know that it can be difficult to find up-to-date information on a client’s UK pension, particularly if the client has accumulated a few pensions over the course of their employment in the UK. To assist, we will ask your client to complete a Florin Pensions’ Authorization. This authorization enables our team to assist in locating each UK pension provider and then request up-to-date information on your client’s UK pension(s) including current value, investments, and benefits. We can then use this information to have a complimentary consultation with you and your client to discuss our findings and confirm any next steps.