The BABC 7th Annual Funding, Exits and IPOs Event
21 January, 2018
Will 2018 be the year of resurgent IPOs? This question will be examined in depth at the British American Business Council’s seventh annual Funding, Exits and IPOs event, on the evening of February 28th 2018 at the Quadrus Convention Center in Menlo Park.
Scheduled panelists include Bill Teichert, Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, Steve Goldberg, Operating Partner of Venrock, Mitchell Kertzman, Managing Director at Hummer Winblad Venture Partners, and Jai Das of Sapphire Ventures. As British expat who has made a significant mark covering financial markets and technology industries for the Financial Times, we are particularly looking forward to Richard Waters chairing the event.
At Florin Pensions, we are honored to advise expats working in Silicon Valley on their UK pension options. We look forward to attending this event, as we move into what is sure to be an interesting year for the world of finance and technology. As ever, we greatly appreciate the work the BABC does to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing within our thriving Bay Area community of Brits working abroad. For more information on this event, visit the BABC’s event page.