UK Pension News & Insights

New to the Bay Area? How to Adapt to Life Here – June 26th, 2014 at The City Club
19 June, 2014
We all know how frustrating moving to a new country can be. Adapting to a new culture, navigating the immigration laws, establishing your credit history, understanding the taxation system, and oh, what to do with that pension you left behind in the UK? Even if you have been here for a while, you might still have questions.
This is your chance to get your questions answered from a panel of experts in tax, immigration law, banking and UK pensions. You will also get a chance to connect with people who are in the same situation as yourself.
Join us for networking with food and wine at 5:30 pm, the panel session will start at 6:15 pm. For further details and to RSVP see the link below.